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Education Funding under NDIS

Education funding under NDIS is not a simple matter, it is complicated and a bit confusing if you are not entirely sure where to start. In this blog post we will try to explain this. First let’s talk about NDIS, what it is and its purpose.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australia-wide scheme to support people aged 0 to 65 years with permanent and significant disability. As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.

The NDIS supports people with disability to build skills and capability so they can participate in the community, which includes accessing education.

The NDIS helps people with disability to access mainstream services and supports, access community services and supports, maintain informal support arrangements, and receive reasonable and necessary funded supports.

Which educational supports with the NDIS fund?

Some participants in the Scheme may be studying at school, in higher education or with a vocational education and training (VET) provider.  Some NDIS participants may require additional support while studying.

The Scheme will fund supports related to the participant’s disability and which will enable them to engage both in education and the community. This includes such supports as assistance with self-care care, transport, transportable aids and equipment and transition support.

Which supports are the responsibility of the education provider?

The NDIS compliments the supports, which should already be provided by the education system. The education system has responsibility for assisting students with their educational attainment, including through teaching and educational resources. This includes employing specialised staff, making reasonable adjustments and learning specific equipment.

What is the responsibility of the participant?

Individuals and families sometimes also have a role in funding education-related supports, such as purchasing school uniforms, paying school/course fees, excursion fees and purchasing educational material. It would generally not be appropriate for the NDIS to fund compulsory text books or tuition/membership fees. However, if as a result of a participant’s disability there is an increased cost in accessing compulsory course materials (for example, an audio book at an additional expense) the NDIS may fund the additional cost.

There are some fee exemptions for people with disability, such as those available through state specific initiatives. For more information on eligibility you can visit below resources for guidelines within your state:

Participants can also take advantage of some scholarships to cover their educational costs. Visit the Australian Disability Clearninghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) scholarships page for more information.

Additional support via School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

SLES are supports provided to NDIS-eligible Year 12 school leavers to assist them to transition from school and reach their employment goals. Supports may include work experience, job skills training, travel training, and activities that contribute to achieving an employment outcome. SLES often equates to approximately three days of support per week and can be accessed for up to two years. Participants can have both SLES and other reasonable and necessary funded supports in their NDIS plan.

SLES is not a program. It is an individualised approach to funding employment supports, which are considered alongside other supports in the participant’s NDIS plan. SLES can include a range of supports for participants to assist them to become work-ready.

Who delivers SLES?

Any provider registered with the NDIA can deliver SLES supports. The participant chooses the provider they want. SLES is a specialised support with specific reporting requirements. For this reason it could be beneficial to choose a provider that is registered with the NDIA. A person can change providers if the arrangement is not working or if they are unhappy with the supports provided.

What will NDIS fund?

  • Self-care at school related to the student’s disability, like support with eating.

  • Specialised training of teachers and other staff about the specific personal support needs of a student with disability.

  • Specialist transport required because of the student’s disability (does not substitute parental responsibility).

  • Transportable equipment such as a wheelchair or personal communication devices.

  • Therapies a family and school have agreed may be delivered during school time but are not for educational purposes.

Final thoughts

In conclusion you should do some initial research and have an open conversation with your provider to understand what options are available to you to get your educational costs funded under your NDIS plan. Also it is very important to remember NDIS’s role is to support a better life for Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.

Where to get more information?

School Leaver Employment Supports: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/working-provider/school-leaver-employment-supports

The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) website on NDIS: https://www.adcet.edu.au/disability-practitioner/student-access/ndis

The NSW Department of Education website on the NDIS: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/disability-learning-and-support/resources/national-disability-insurance-scheme

The VIC Department of Education website on the NDIS: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/parents/additional-needs/Pages/disability-ndis.aspx

NDIS and Education: https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/ndis-and-other-government-services/education

For any other information on the NDIS go to the website: https://www.ndis.gov.au or call them on 1800 800 110